Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday the 13th

You must have noticed that this year we passed, what?! four?!, Fridays with 13 as a date. We all think it's malas (unlucky), well, here's unlucky story.

After dying in the office, we (me and Roro) went to Rockwell to meet (hope to meet) my friends, Janelle and Kats, to eat at Pepper Lunch and watch Knowing after dinner. And because you know the taxi situation at Bonifacio High Street, ---arrived at Rockwell around 9:30p.m.--- everything's closing already and badly, didn't take note that Janelle and Kats didn't knew where we're going to meet, as I said okay to their every text, not noticing that they were asking if we're meeting at G4. With all that, our crave for some Pepper Lunch were deprived, and crashed we went for another hideous taxi ride to G5 to meet the girls up.
Pepper Lunch's Burger Steak

Okay, we end up eating at our favorite spot in G4, I mean my favorite spot! Fine. Bubba Gump! Wohoo! The new dish we tried is good--- Fried Chicken, well it has a different crunch and gravy was a perfect match too! Our staple order--- still present at the table--- Cajun Shrimp and Pingpong chicken.

And yes we end the night with--- Friday the 13th movie!

Our hearts jumped endlessly with all the scenes morbidly done to scare the hell out of the audience! And hell it did (Jason, did it again!), we end up so tired after that we ate again at Mcdo (but not with Roro, anymore because she needs to go home already).

That was a nice break from office work, next time Pepper Lunch!