Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project Renovation: Red Wall

Inspiration: Gate of the Forbidden City--- & Tibetan monks

Photo Credit: Cor Lem

Day One: Scrapping the paint bubbles?!

Before: Dragon Cross Stitch on white wall.

After: Scrapped white paint off, revealed original paint.
I am planning on an Asian look to match the Dragon Cross Stitch. We will replace our dining table with a rectangular one to maximaze the space.

One of our dining's chair. Old Narra with inlays. It comes with a big round table.

Maybe, we can replace it with this?
I think we also need bamboos to complete the look. After framing the four seasons prints from HK.

Bamboo to be placed on the corner post, but not as decor.
Tomorrow, will be painting day! Good luck to me, how I can decide on the shade of red I will be using.