Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mano Po 吻手

After the first Mano Po with the Go family, came the second Mano Po, subtitled as My Home 我的家 with the Chan Family--- not being baised okay, but I think it's the best Mano Po ever. It reflect what really happens inside a Filipino-Chinese family--- 3 wives, having children each, money, greed.

Maybe this next Mano Po that features Sharon Cuneta (My Mother 母愛), will surpass Mano Po: My Home, I just think.

Let's just see, I don't really get the whole thing of the movie--- 2 lahi? Isn't that the thing--- Filipino and Chinese? How come that it brings bad luck? Or bring a Filipino boy at home? Nahh, okay just wait for December. Am not a fan of Heart nor Dennis, so will just stay skeptical.